
Today is Saturday

15 Adar II 5785 | 15 March 2025


-  Passover Seder



- Darina Marchenko

- Larisa Levchenko

- Luba Semeniuk

- Valentina Slobodchuk

- Elena Gracheva

- Faina Samchuk

- Alexander Shamis

- Daniil Plotnikov

- Boris Galustyan

- Sergyi Shvardovskyi


Pray Hours

Monday and Thursday -

Friday -

Saturday -





January 27 the world remembers the terrible tragedy - the Holocaust. On this day in 1945 the army of the Soviet Union freed the prisoners of the largest Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in Oswiecim (Poland). We had many events dedicated to this sorrowful day. January 26 in the Volyn regional museum memorial evening "Memory is alive" took place. We remembered the residents of our region who have died from hunger and disease in the ghetto, shot in pits. We listened to witnesses' memories of that terrible time and vocal group "Iahad", which performed Yiddish songs. Together with the staff of the museum Photo-documentary thematic exhibition has been organized. It was dedicated to the dead Jews of the city. Archive documents (disclose horrors of occupation), 42 pre-war image (on which residents of the city, adults and children, who did not survive the Holocaust) had been presented at the exhibition. In the evening, the eve of the International Day of Remembrance, "Candle of Memory" was lit in the prayer hall of the community centre. A January 27 meeting-requiem was held at the memorial to victims of the ghetto. In 1942, the Jewish population of Lutsk were shot here. Representatives of local and regional authorities, the media, members of our community and all who care about the history of our city and the memory about its residents presented at the meeting. Prayer for the dead was read, according to Jewish tradition, stones were laid and six memorial candles in memory of the six million who died in the Holocaust were lit. Desirable to mark that in the city there are still remnants of tombstones (Matseva), which were pick up from the old, destroyed Jewish cemeteries of the city and put in his time on the paving of roads and foundations. If we find such Matseva, we take them to the place of execution, where they find a final resting place. And this time detected Matseva was posted on the memorial. We would like to thank the local authorities for the fact that the memorial was removed and cleared of snow. Also thank Alexander Shamis for providing transport. Thanks to everyone who remembers that day. NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!



Bamidbar/Pinchas/ Chapter 25:10-30:1

Aaron’s grandson Pinchas is rewarded for his act of zealotry in killing the Simeonite prince Zimri and the Midianite princess who was his paramour: G‑d grants him a covenant of peace and the priesthood.

A census of the people counts 601,730 men between the ages of twenty and sixty. Moses is instructed on how the Land is to be divided by lottery among the tribes and families of Israel. The five daughters of Tzelafchad petition Moses that ... Read more


Dolgikh Valery

Belash Alexander

Miretskaya Alla

Don Shojhetman

Shamis Sarah

Polianichko Vadim

Cooperman Isaac


Jewish places of Volyn


Lutsk, B.Hmelnytskoho str 6

Phone: (0332) 72-39-26, 72-34-83


The chairman of community – Illia Miretskyi

The director of community – Sergyi Shvardovskyi