Today is Friday
14 Adar II 5785 | 14 March 2025
- Passover Seder
- Darina Marchenko
- Larisa Levchenko
- Luba Semeniuk
- Valentina Slobodchuk
- Elena Gracheva
- Faina Samchuk
- Alexander Shamis
- Daniil Plotnikov
- Boris Galustyan
- Sergyi Shvardovskyi
AllPray Hours
Monday and Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
The first day of spring brought to our warm Home a true celebration - THE SONG CELEBRATION! It was presented by the splendid duet "Anahnu" ("Hesed-Arie ", Lvov). It is impossible to express in words those incredible feelings that guys gave us - half an hour of enjoyment, pleasure, stunning energy and "goosebumps"! The songs of different genre were performed - lyric and sad, funny and cheerful, philosophic, songs that make think about much and just easy, picking up the mood. There were also lullabies. The songs of modern composers were performed and those that are already several hundred years old. Guys were singing in Yiddish, Russian and Ukrainian languages. All those wonderful songs were born at various times, in different places, and it is even performed in different languages but we can unite it all into one common name: MELODIES OF JEWISH SOUL!
The programme of the duet was quite full and during the time it lasted, Sasha Somish and Aleksei Darmodekhin impressed everyone - the entire audience was singing, dancing, laughing and feeling sad, supporting and loving together with performers. We had a chance to enjoy the rich Jewish culture that is characterised with optimism, humanity, romanticism and some sadness.
The audience was on its feet applauding!
We look forward to the further meetings!!!
Bamidbar/Pinchas/ Chapter 25:10-30:1
Aaron’s grandson Pinchas is rewarded for his act of zealotry in killing the Simeonite prince Zimri and the Midianite princess who was his paramour: G‑d grants him a covenant of peace and the priesthood.
A census of the people counts 601,730 men between the ages of twenty and sixty. Moses is instructed on how the Land is to be divided by lottery among the tribes and families of Israel. The five daughters of Tzelafchad petition Moses that ... Read more
Dolgikh Valery
Belash Alexander
Miretskaya Alla
Don Shojhetman
Shamis Sarah
Polianichko Vadim
Cooperman Isaac
Lutsk, B.Hmelnytskoho str 6
Phone: (0332) 72-39-26, 72-34-83
The chairman of community – Illia Miretskyi
The director of community – Sergyi Shvardovskyi