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15 Adar II 5785 | 15 March 2025
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- Sergyi Shvardovskyi
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In Kovel people still walk on Jewish gravestones
Instead of allocate area under memorial complex in memory of executed Jews in the war, local government allows to organize traveling circus-tent and Zoos on the bones of dead.
The Soviet government did not spare any temple because it was "the opium of the people", or burial, as some of them were considered as "strangers". And multinational Kovel endured all of it with bitterness and pain.
Church of the Annunciation was ground long before the arrival of Prince Andrew Kurbsky to Kovel, it had the status monuments of architecture of the Ukrainian SSR, militant atheists turned into a sports school. In the old Polish chapel, where is the Church of St. Andrew was rock salt storage for a long time. Red totalitarian system cracked down with graves no less rigidity. On the old Roman Catholic cemetery where were buried citizens of Kovel with different faiths who was shot by the Nazis, was built a gas farmstead. After the second coming of "the Soviets' mass grave of the prison inmates who tortured NKVD during the first days of the war was demolished.
In the spirit of Stalin and Brezhnev primitive propaganda, saying that "their graves long overgrown with thistles," was razed to the ground the Jewish cemetery on the street Volodymyrska where during the Second World War, the Nazis shot more than six thousand Jews according to historical data, mostly women and children and put this Palace of culture.
Even before tombstones were taken away. They have been paved and asphalt at the nearby military headquarters of the anti-aircraft missile regiment, and the way that "walked" along the barracks. It has long been no soldiers, the land was sold into private hands. But still cars and people go that way. They don’t know that under the feet and wheels - tombstones.
- That's tombstone with the star of David is - Matseva, that slab-stela - the most common form of Jewish burial monument gravestones. And such Matsevas on the road and near with it you can see a lot! During the building works at the former headquarters a local businessman gave us all found Matsevas. One inhabitant of Kovel agreed to keep them. We are very grateful her for it. But we can not take away gravestones from the road. The representative of the owner of the territory said that he would give them only after completely disassemble the building. Then the way which carry a bat bricks shall be not required, - said the executive director of Volyn Progressive Jewish religious community Sergey Shvardovsky. Near the Palace of Culture under birch we find headstone broken vandal. Sergey Shvardovsky reads the inscription in Hebrew, which indicates that under Matseva was men buried.
In the segment stereo surveying in 1977 by architects limits no longer incumbent Jewish cemetery clearly.
In November 2011 Sergey Shvardovskyy on behalf of the community wrote to the Mayor Kovel Oleg Kinder to allocate a plot of land, located in front of the Palace of Culture, to transport here all the tombstones and construction of memorial place here. Statements were discussed at meetings of the Public Council. It was decided to offer the Jewish community to establish a memorial sign near the Palace of Culture. "After submitting your concrete proposals for improvement memorial site, Preliminary suggestions for improvement, this issue will be re-submitted to the Public Council" - said in letter from "humanitarian" deputy mayor Igor Prokopiva and chief architect of the city Lyudmila Murai. Jewish community should give the designer the source data for the design because of the established requirements for the development of project documentation for the design of the memorial complex. However, development planning, architectural, engineering and technological solutions of the construction, its main parameters and cost of construction, taking into account technical and urban conditions and restrictions possible only by availability the limits specified location land.
In July 2013 Volyn Progressive Jewish religious community wrote a letter to Mayor Kovel again. "We are writing to you again a request to provide land to the established limits near the Palace of Culture to preserve historical items and arranging memorial site (memorial complex) to perpetuate the memory of Jews - residents Kovel. Allotted land please leave in the municipal ownership territorial community ", - stated in it. This petition has been added photos and historical information (on ten sheets) on executions and burials near the Palace of Culture,
also letters from the Berlin office of the American Jewish Committee, Israel organization Jews - immigrants from Kovel, Jewish community of France, whose family also lived in Kovel, which was unambiguous support for the idea of building the memorial. The response from the city administration was quick, but again was not signed by the mayor. Anatoly Trofimuk who was First Deputy Mayor at that moment detailed wrote procedure for construction sites and monuments, the State Construction Committee and approved by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine which documents should be presented as if the Jewish community does not know about this. "Because you re-examination raised questions at the public council and adoption of appropriate Kovel city council decision on the construction (creation) the memorial complex will be decided according to the above Procedure after the above documents with regard to the need to amend the general plan of the city Kovel ' - Said in a reply signed by Anatoly Trofimuk, prepared by deputy city architect Sergey Panasyuk. Time changes constantly officials (Trofimuk y Panasiuk no longer working in city administration). Generously handing out left-to-right plots of land for housing construction on the banks of the reservoir and elsewhere, changing as she pleased, the general plan of the city government does not pay attention to memory and historical value.
Allow the same place, traveling circus big top and Zoos shot on the bones, as can be seen each year at the Palace of Culture, is a manifestation of extraordinary cynicism and moral decline.
"Volyn newspaper» №12 (367) from July 14, 2016
Bamidbar/Pinchas/ Chapter 25:10-30:1
Aaron’s grandson Pinchas is rewarded for his act of zealotry in killing the Simeonite prince Zimri and the Midianite princess who was his paramour: G‑d grants him a covenant of peace and the priesthood.
A census of the people counts 601,730 men between the ages of twenty and sixty. Moses is instructed on how the Land is to be divided by lottery among the tribes and families of Israel. The five daughters of Tzelafchad petition Moses that ... Read more
Dolgikh Valery
Belash Alexander
Miretskaya Alla
Don Shojhetman
Shamis Sarah
Polianichko Vadim
Cooperman Isaac
Lutsk, B.Hmelnytskoho str 6
Phone: (0332) 72-39-26, 72-34-83
The chairman of community – Illia Miretskyi
The director of community – Sergyi Shvardovskyi