Today is Saturday
15 Adar II 5785 | 15 March 2025
- Passover Seder
- Darina Marchenko
- Larisa Levchenko
- Luba Semeniuk
- Valentina Slobodchuk
- Elena Gracheva
- Faina Samchuk
- Alexander Shamis
- Daniil Plotnikov
- Boris Galustyan
- Sergyi Shvardovskyi
AllPray Hours
Monday and Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Exhibition of works by Rostyslav Metelnytskii
In the Sunday, January 31, 2016, at our community centre an exhibition of works by Rostyslav Metelnytskii was opened. Rostyslav Metelnytskii was an architect, a painter, a man who loved our city very much. It is symbolic that the exhibition is held in our community centre. Thanks to this man, the Great Synagogue of Lutsk has been saved from destruction and rebuilt. Many works are exhibited for the first time. Rostyslav Metelnytskii’s friends, former colleagues, students came to the opening of the exhibition. They very warm and sincere told about the creative life of the artist. Pictures (sketches, landscapes, graphics and watercolour) cover the period from 1949 to 1999. We thank Rostyslav Metelnytskii’s family for agreeing to provide materials and assistance in organizing this wonderful exhibition. Thanks also Volyn Regional Museum of the equipment for the exhibition. We expect that adults and children will visit the exhibition, and they will open many new pages in the history of our native city.…/u-lutsku-vystavka-robit-arkhite…/
Bamidbar/Pinchas/ Chapter 25:10-30:1
Aaron’s grandson Pinchas is rewarded for his act of zealotry in killing the Simeonite prince Zimri and the Midianite princess who was his paramour: G‑d grants him a covenant of peace and the priesthood.
A census of the people counts 601,730 men between the ages of twenty and sixty. Moses is instructed on how the Land is to be divided by lottery among the tribes and families of Israel. The five daughters of Tzelafchad petition Moses that ... Read more
Dolgikh Valery
Belash Alexander
Miretskaya Alla
Don Shojhetman
Shamis Sarah
Polianichko Vadim
Cooperman Isaac
Lutsk, B.Hmelnytskoho str 6
Phone: (0332) 72-39-26, 72-34-83
The chairman of community – Illia Miretskyi
The director of community – Sergyi Shvardovskyi