Today is Thursday
13 Adar II 5785 | 13 March 2025
- Passover Seder
- Darina Marchenko
- Larisa Levchenko
- Luba Semeniuk
- Valentina Slobodchuk
- Elena Gracheva
- Faina Samchuk
- Alexander Shamis
- Daniil Plotnikov
- Boris Galustyan
- Sergyi Shvardovskyi
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In December 1989, the representatives of the Jewish intelligentsia of Lutsk created Volyn regional organization of the Ukrainian Society of Jewish Culture. Organizational Conference approved the Charter and elected the company board of directors. The Chairman of the company was elected - Kalman Israilevich Maryasis, board members - Isaac Dolinsky, Dmitry Pisman, Zisya Haychyk, Itzik Finkelstein, Jacob Chovnyk, Don Shoyhetman, Illia Miretskyi, Gennady Shukhman, Vitaliy and Tatyana Yudovich.
Since 1991, the board was headed by Isaac P. Dolinsky (1933-2003). With extensive experience, he could find solutions to many complex problems. Over eight years he tried to return Lutsk building (the former Jewish gmina) on the Bohdan Khmelnytsky Street, 6. Gmina was built in the early XX century and at that time it housed the Board of Lutsk Jewish commune, the Jewish school, prayer hall, Rabbinical management and other Jewish organizations. Largely due to the tenacity, courage and perseverance of Isaac Dolinsky in 2000, the decision of Volyn Regional State Administration, building was handed over to Progressive Jewish religious community in the long-term use.
Volyn Community of Progressive Judaism was established in 1999 on the basis of the Volyn regional organization of the Ukrainian Society of Jewish culture. Board members of the community over the years were elected Boris Karp, Boris Tsudechkis Joseph Eydinov, Edward Tumarkin, Tovey Rivets, Svetlana Uritska, Alexandra Gaidar, Alexander Gaidar, Dmitry Pisman, Dmytro Hnatiuk, Valentine Hnatiuk, Natalia Pashuk, Ida Plotnikova, Larissa Kovalenko, Sergei Shvardovskyy Olga Kozyrska, Lyudmila Kucherenko. In March 2003, as chairman was elected Edward Isaakovich Dolinsky. His extensive experience of the Jewish community building (E. years Dolinsky served as Executive Director of the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress and the Jewish Foundation of Ukraine), he actively applied in Lutsk. On his initiative, the community created a new structure - the Board of Trustees and the post of executive director of the community. As a community board of trustees included Boris Karp (chairman), Illia Miretskyi and Gennady Shuhman. Members of the Board of Trustees for many years are the main sponsors repairs buildings and premises of the synagogue, holding various programs and events. They provide assistance to needy community members and their families are seeking additional funds for full-fledged functioning of the Jewish community. In May 2015 to head the community was chosen Illia Borisovich Miretskyi.
The first executive director of the community was Alexander Gaidar, from April 2004 to this position he was appointed Valentin Hnatiuk, and since September 2006 - Sergei Shvardovskyy. These people got the credibility and respect of the community through their hard work, deep integrity, knowledge and commitment to Judaism.
Along with repairing the building and its facilities, were taken to improve the working conditions of staff and numerous community and social structures of the regional branch of "Hesed-Gottlieb" Rivne Regional Charitable Foundation "Hesed-Osher." Since the establishment of the branch for more than five years it was headed by Alexander Gaidar, 2005 - Ida Plotnikova. Work of this Fund is an important component of the recovery and development of Jewish communal life. Great effect for the development of the Jewish community of Lutsk made joining efforts and mobilizing all Jewish organizations and agencies under one roof building community center. To named above must be added the Jewish Agency department "Jewish Agency", Department of International Women's "Project KESHER" department of the Lviv Regional Charitable Foundation "Hevra."
After receiving the building in the long-term use primarily hall was equipped to perform religious rites and studying Torah. Every Shabbat community members began to meet in the community center for service Kabalat Shabbat and Shabbat morning prayers. Step by step, people began to learn more about Judaism.
Uniquely rich collection on Jewish themes over the years and created this day was created and passed by volunteers Larissa Karp. Wise and modest woman, a gifted teacher, sensitive person, since 2001 it always meets the club "Yahad". About 30 members of the club for many years with the possibility of one - two times a month to meet, to discover another fascinating page of the history of Israel, the Jewish world boundless wisdom and traditions together to mark Jewish holidays, personal anniversaries and jubilees. Larissa Trofimovna Karp held more than 250 meetings of the club. Before each meeting she prepares your friends an unforgettable fun stuff.
Constant and effective assistance in all good deeds and intentions of the leadership of the community provide: Tamara Globa, Ala Miretska, Don Shoyhetman, Sonia Springer, Faina Samchuk, Galina Savitskaya, Stephanie Shumuk, Mark Ginsburg, Igor Haychenko, Yuri Pisman, Clara Rayzberg, Anya and Andrew Nazarchuk, Anastasia Mogucha, Tatiana Plotnikova and others.
September 1, 2002 we received a grant to open a computer class of the International women's Jewish organization "Project KESHER". The classes in the computer lab, which is also housed in the building of the synagogue, were trained over a thousand people of different nationalities and faiths. In charitable courses taught children from the city orphanage.
In May 2007, under the "Return of the Torah" ladies group "Project KESHER" community received a gift from the American women Torah scroll. This scroll was brought to Ukraine Carol Bialik, a member of the community La-Roshel, NY.
The community has long-term ties with the Jewish Reform community in England (The Liberal Synagogue Elstree), as well as communities of Poland and Germany. Thanks to their help and cooperation established new commemorative sign on the Holocaust in Volyn (currently in the Volyn region established 58 memorial signs), create new projects.
In our community work many religious, educational, cultural and educational programs for children, youth, young families, middle-aged and older. The spiritual leader of the community is Olga Kozyrska. She is also the head of the female vocal group of the club "Yahad". Many years of happy listeners Jewish songs vocal duo of Tatiana Plotnikova and Boris Halustyan, winner of many competitions. Community pride is the experimental theater-studio "Hochma" choreographic collective "Dreidel".
In 2010, through the joint efforts of board members of the community, building community center was transferred to the ownership of the community. And in the same year, with funding from the Karp family, reconstructed facade Community Centre with regard to historical data. In a large prayer hall installed stained glass windows that reflect the religious holidays of the Jewish people.
In the plans of community is to establish memorials and supervise places of mass extermination of Jews in Volyn, new projects, performances, festivals, further increasing the financial autonomy of the community - an active member of the Religious Association of Progressive Jewish Congregations of Ukraine.
Bamidbar/Pinchas/ Chapter 25:10-30:1
Aaron’s grandson Pinchas is rewarded for his act of zealotry in killing the Simeonite prince Zimri and the Midianite princess who was his paramour: G‑d grants him a covenant of peace and the priesthood.
A census of the people counts 601,730 men between the ages of twenty and sixty. Moses is instructed on how the Land is to be divided by lottery among the tribes and families of Israel. The five daughters of Tzelafchad petition Moses that ... Read more
Dolgikh Valery
Belash Alexander
Miretskaya Alla
Don Shojhetman
Shamis Sarah
Polianichko Vadim
Cooperman Isaac
Lutsk, B.Hmelnytskoho str 6
Phone: (0332) 72-39-26, 72-34-83
The chairman of community – Illia Miretskyi
The director of community – Sergyi Shvardovskyi